Saturday, 22 October 2011


Trees have the most wonderful way of transforming spaces. I love the way they add height and perspective to gardens.

We have been searching for four key specimen tress that will be the focal point of the garden here at Ordnance House. The round central border acts as the centre piece of the garden and the beds and borders radiate off it so these trees will be seen from all parts of the garden.

But what trees should occupy such a key space? Well after much deliberation we decided that Crategus Prunifolia was the best option. This Hawthorn has pale ivory flowers in Spring and dark leaves which work well against the backdrop of the house.

With the central bed prepared with a rich loamy soil, all four went in pretty easily and once staked they now stand tall and imperious.

The whole garden has been immediately transformed by their presence and I think they look great.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Planting for winter colour and spring promise

November will keep us busy with the planting of more fruit trees as well as the feature specimen trees in the garden. But in the meantime we are kept busy with planting for winter colour and spring promise. The spring promise comes in the form of wall flowers. Orange alongside the garage wall and Ivory beside the new lawn in beds opposite the veg patch. Come April and we should have a fantastic display.

Meanwhile the veg patch has its own winter colour with purple and white cabbage and kale to cheer up the gloomy months ahead.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Indian Summer

The weather has been fantastic and the garden basks in the heat of an Indian Summer. I am busy planting out the main herbaceous border with plants that catch my eye and fit the colour palette.

This week it is 3 x Sedum Spectabile, 4 x Erysimum 'Bowles' Mauve' and Verbena bonariensis. I have also added an additional Virburnum tinus standard.

Meanwhile the grass seed is taking well in the new lawns and lush green lines are appearing in the grass after mowing.

All in all, the space has the feeling of a proper garden at long last.