Saturday, 30 June 2012


The garden is in transition from its fresh Spring abundance to its Summer finery.  This is a new journey for us as this is a new garden and yet to unfold its secrets.  We do not know quite what the new planting scheme will look like as it has existed only as a plan on paper alone for so long.

The colour palette for late Summer will be oranges, deep purples and blues.  In recent weeks we have been busy planting Dahlia's - 'Dreamy Eyes' and 'First Love'.  But we have included old favourites such as Helenium Moreheim Beauty.  I also love Achillea milefolium Lilac Beauty which is now just in flower.

We have Penstemon's too including 'Bodnant' which is a deep dark claret.  Salvia Sensation Deep Blue, Lythrum salicaria 'Robert' and Astarntia Moulin Rouge have also been planted in drifts.

But away from the herbaceous beds and borders, it is the vegetable garden that is now highly productive and we are now benefiting from the first early potatoes and sugar snap peas which are harvested in abundance.

And with Wimbledon half way through, we hope to harvest some Strawberries to add to our cream soon too!

Saturday, 23 June 2012

The National Garden Scheme

The National Garden Scheme publishes The Yellow Book which is a guide to over 3,700 gardens across England and Wales.

Each year the NGS gives away more than £2.5 million to nursing, caring and gardening charities and over the last 15 years the total given exceeds £25 million.

We were fortunate to be part of the NGS and opened our old garden at Linden Barn.  Our last opening was in June 2010 but each garden opening was highly enjoyable and immensely rewarding.  To create a garden is a life enhancing experience but to share it with enthusiasts who enjoy gardening just as much as you yourself is, quite frankly, uplifting.

It was always our hope to rejoin the NGS at some point depending upon how our new garden developed and progressed.  Well we are overjoyed to have been accepted back into the NGS for 2013.  To achieve the standard acceptable to the National Garden Scheme is a challenge but the one silver lining of the wet Spring and Summer this year is that our plants have established very quickly.  The sharp drainage has helped and what little sun we have had gave immediate benefit due to our south facing aspect.  So a garden that is less than a year old actually looks much more established.  And we have, of course, both put an enourmous amount or work and effort to bring to reality a garden that was for such a long time just a dream.

We plan to open twice in 2013.  One opening will be at the end of May when our displays of Alliums are at their very best.  The second opening will be in early July when our Lavender will be in full flower.

We also hope to meet many old friends who visited us previously.  To catch up and discuss the journey we have taken.  But it will also be wonderful to share this new garden with a wider audience while raising money for a charitable cause that is important to us both.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Welcome guests

We have been busy in the garden today but we are amongst friends.  We have quite a few of these special friends and they are most welcome guests in this new garden.

Of course it is not Vanessa and I who our new friends have come to see for they are attracted by the many nectar-rich plants that we have planted.  The friends of which I speak are Bumble Bees.

Much has been chronicled about the sad decline of the bee population but Vanessa and I are doing everything we possibly can to attract and sustain these vital creatures so needed for our eco-systems.

So welcome Mr Bumble bee.  Bring as many friends as you wish.  You will always be most welcome at Ordnance House.