September is the month we cut back our lavender. We have much of it so this is not a task to complete in a day but over successive weekends.
Cut it all back now and the lavender will put on around 3cm of growth in the next few months and this helps the plant over-winter. Here at Ordnance House, the soil is very free draining and this also helps of course.
Cutting back lavender is something I am often asked about and my advice is always the same. Cut it back hard and shape it like a tight box ball. This creates a cobbled effect in our lavender bed which I think looks quite lovely, especially on a frosty morning. This method also trains the plant to remain a manageable size and prevents it becoming leggy.
But this process is also a milestone on the garden's journey into autumn. The nights are now drawing in but the temperatures are still warm and occassionally hot while the light of autumn is golden, subtle and quite glorious. We must make the most of these decreasing returns. We must harvest the memory of a golden year in the garden and begin the planning for a new year to come. This is a time to step back, take stock of the parts of the garden that work well and scheme what will be done to improve others. It is all part of the journey and the great joy of gardening is that it is a journey that never really ends. Enjoy the ride!