Sunday 25 September 2011

The price is right

Collected the remaining Lavender from Long Barn on Friday and as fortune would have it they had an end of season sale of plants. I'd say £1 for plants that retail at £5.99 each was a snap so I purchased:

  • Monarda Gardenview Scarlet x 1

  • Nepeta Souvenir D'Andre Chaudron x 1

  • Veronicastrum vir. Alba x 1

  • Sisyrinchium Striatum x 6

  • Nepeta Longpipes x 1

  • Achillea 'Mondpagode' x 3

  • Aquilegia Barlow Black x 4

  • Sedum Mediovoriegatum x 3

  • Hemerocalis (type unknown) x 3

  • Campanula Perisicifolia Blue x 2

  • Iris Ceasar's Blue x 3

  • Campanual Prichards Variety x 1

Great variety of plants and not normally found in garden centres so I am extremely pleased. And Saturday was fun planting them all out. Then cracked on with planting the Lavender border.

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