Monday 27 May 2013

On a sunny day in May

Yesterday was our very first opening of the garden here at Ordnance House.  The weather was fine, the sun shone and the garden basked in the warmth of a lovely day.  We were lucky that the weather gods were smiling down upon us.

To everyone who came to see the garden and to those that gave up their time to help, Vanessa and I are very thankful and appreciative.  The National Garden Scheme and the support they provide to so many good causes has also benefitted and this can only be for the good . 

We do hope you liked the garden which I have written so much about these past months.  It is in fact 20 months since work first began here and plants were placed in the ground with great hope and much anticipation.  I realise that this is still a young garden but I think it has good bones as they say.  I am sure it will improve with age.

Sadly, the only Allium to make an appearance was our old friend and favourite 'Purple Sensation'.  But only just.  The Allium display is probably around a week or so away which is about as late as can be and quite unheard of.

We will open again on Sunday, 30 June from 11am to 5pm when I hope we will be as lucky with the weather as we were yesterday.  Hopefully the garden will have even more flower and colour to enjoy.  But for now, we can only look back and be thankful for how lucky we were to have benefitted from such wonderful weather and lovely visitors.

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