Friday, 11 April 2014

Pressing the pause button

In the dark of Winter I dream of this time of year.  I imagine the garden awakening and coming to life.  But these are long dull days that stretch on and time passes slowly.  Then light begins to come back and warmth with it.  Before you know it the clocks have sprung forward and Spring begins to slowly take hold.   

Then, around this time of year and with the sap rising, everything in the garden begins a growth spurt.  As I return home from work each evening and tour the garden I see that it has changed.  Plants seem twice the size, full of succulent buds and unfurling leaf.  

It is at this precise moment that I want to reach out for an imaginary remote control.  To pause the moment.  To stop and enjoy it before it escapes.  I know that from here on in the garden will continue to accelerate, speed up, become a blur of growth and frenzy of foliage and colour.   And before you know it the delicious anticipation is gone all too soon.   

I promise myself each and every year that I will stop, take stock, reflect and enjoy these days.  But my curse is that each weekend when I get to really spend time in the garden doing the very things I love and live for, I am a flurry of activity and haste.   

I must stop this.  I must press that pause button.  I must go into slow motion mode and enjoy these days.  They are, after all, what I have dreamed of for months and they are here now to savour.


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