Friday 14 August 2015

Living in the moment

The Lavender still looks lovely, the colour palette of later Summer mixes the vibrant and the subtle.  But times are chaning again in the garden and the days imperceptibly shortening.  It is time to live in the moment.  No planning for next year, no point looking back at earlier times.  It is a time to simply sit and watch, stroll and gaze at the garden.  Everything is as it is and should be accepted as such.  This is a time to sit back and relax.

Soon enough we will be cutting and shaping, pruning and clearing.  But I rather like the relaxed feel of the garden at this time of year and its sheer abundance of produce.  We have so many apples this year and for the first time pears too.  I am surprised by the amount of fruit we are now producing.

But we must do something about the soft fruit and create a proper fruit cage that is easy to get into and out of.  Our rather feeble frames and netting is ineffective and unattractive.  A job for the future I think.  But for now we will enjoy out long labours as Summer greacefully fades away.

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