- Stachys - bzantia (lanata) and Wisley White
- Hyssopus officinalis Albus
- Sisyrinchium stiatum
- Rose var: Noaschnee
- 3 x Salvia turkestanica Alba
- Scabiosa caucasica Alba
- Eryngium planum (Sea Holly)
- Salvia xSuperba 'Adora Blue'
- Campanula perisicfolia Blue
- Campanula Prichards Variety
- Scabiosa caucasica Blue
- Helleborus foetidus
- Luzula nivea (a grass)
- Geranium cantabrigiense Karmina
Almost black
- Aquilegia Barlow Black
We have been lucky with the weather as it is both dry and sunny; thankfully this has allowed us easy access to the beds and borders. Let's hope we have such good weather for the rest of the planting.
In addition we were able to create a new border at the bottom of the mound at the south west corner of the garden. This curved bed was planted solely with Portuguese Laurels. Over time this will develop into a solid mass and contrast with the green mound behind.
Finally, we mulched and fed with mushroom compost one of the original borders which we have enlarged. This should do no end of good to the soil composition and the plants we have in place as well as those yet to be added
So, all in all a busy but productive time.
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