Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Stone balls

Ordnance House is a garden of curves, swirls, circles and the odd entirely round border. Balls are also a reoccuring theme for we have lots of Box, Yew and Ligustrum balls dotted around the garden creating points of interest. I find that even in Winter there it something immensely pleasing to the eye about a rounded piece of topiary. Something soothing about the gentle curve of a gravel path. But I confess that I also love stone balls.

Stone balls perfectly counter balance the green of box balls while looking strikingly architectural when placed on their own or in groups. We were lucky a few years ago to come across the Stoneballs Company ( and they have supplied all our stone balls ever since.

Bringing the stone balls to Ordnance House from our old garden at Linden Barn was a caper as each weighs a ton! It was amusing to watch our removal men challenge each other to great feats of strength trying to lift them. It was a scene worthy of 'World's Strongest Man'. Not for me, I roll them around to position them like a stone age man. But they do look quite wonderful and the garden is all the better for them.

I ordered two more stone balls for our collection and these arrived yesterday, They will sit perfectly next to a stone bench on a section of land we have prepared with stone slabs and gravel. This sits adjacent to a new border with balls of box and Himalayan birches with their wonderful white reflective bark. In Spring this border will have Tulips and Wallflowers so the whole effect will look great and this simple seating area will be a place to enjoy. All the more so because of my lovely stone balls.

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