Sunday 17 November 2013

The garden laid bare

It is November and time for the big cut back of the herbaceous borders.  They have completed their performance and now are over.  Time to cut back, allow light in and the cold of winter to scour the ground. 

Already I can see the promise of next Spring and Summer.  Small though it may be, next year's growth is there when you look closely and that is heartening. 

The nights now are longer, the daylight hours shorter.  But the garden feels at peace and at the beginning of a slumber.  It has looked quite wonderful for so long it deserves its repose.

But what is amazing is that the beech leaves have hardly fallen at all.  Our huge trees are still clad in Autumn gold.  I contrast this is my childhood years when trees would have been naked and bare at this time of year.  Climate change?  Well it would seem the seasons have shifted for sure and what should be an early winter landscape is little more than Autumn in its gold and bronze hues.

We will cut back more borders next week and then the garden will be back to its bare bones.  Nice to see especially when frost touches the garden and nice to be outside still enjoying it.

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