I really do think it is time to get back out into the garden. High winds, driving rain, flooding and all the usual Yuletide mayhem have deprived me of the time I really wanted to spend in the garden. But I did manage to get out and divide and move some plants. I have taken out all the Nepeta 'Six Hill's Giant' from the main avenue in the back garden and replanted them up our steep bank at the front. I replaced these with more Nepeta - 'Walkers' Low' which although similar is less sprawling. No money needed to change hands as I had enough 'Walker's Low' elsewhere in the garden to divide up and move. I even managed some mowing as the grass has continued to grow due to the mild temperatures. Of course having such very sharp drainage also helps and means I can actually cut the grass at this time of year, something that would have been impossible in our old garden.
This weekend was all about adding some colour which I yearn for at this time of year. I had decided that we needed a couple of tall planters next to the front door and so purchased some inexpensive galvanised florists pots. They were rather bright and shiny when they arrived but I managed to sand them down and coat them with toilet bowl cleaner which I left overnight and this had the effect of aging them. Drill some drainage holes, place some crocks in the bottom, fill with potting compost and plant some cream Primroses and delicious Hellebores ('Snow Dance') - and job done! I expect we will have more bad weather this Winter but at least we are now on the way to Spring. Days will get longer, the weather slowly milder while I will be able to spend more time in the garden.
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