Saturday 1 February 2014

The English Garden Magazine - Garden Tour

The garden here at Ordnance House has been included on a prestigious garden tour offered by The English Garden magazine titled - 'Hampshire's Hidden Gems'.

Details of the tour can be found on page 27 of the March issue and online at:

The tour dates are 2 to 5 June and eight gardens will be featured within the Test and Itchen Valleys.  The trip looks terrific, but I confess that it is rather daunting to be included amongst an array of such fascinating, beautiful and incredibly interesting gardens.  I only hope we come up to scratch! This is, after all, still a very new garden.  But it has a tale to tell.  Of our hard labours, our success and our failures.  At least we can provide a narrative of its conception and creation.

All gardens have a story to tell of course and I am sure that each of the lovely gardens included as part of the tour will have their own intriguing tale.

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